Our app and online portal are intended to give you access to a complete record of all calls and messages from the last year for your reference. That way, if you ever want to look up the details for a call or chat from a few months ago, you'll always be able to go back and access that information.
For that reason, you aren't able to delete those records. That said, if you’d like your Activity to function more like an inbox or CRM, you are able to archive old call records you’d no longer like to see in the main Activity section.
From the App
STEP 1: Go to the Activity section and choose Select from the top right of the screen.
STEP 2: Tick the call records or messages you’d like to archive
STEP 3: Tap the Archive button
STEP 4: If you ever want to view your archived messages, tap on the Archive tab at the top of your Activity
From the Portal
STEP 1: Go to the Activity
STEP 2: Tick the call records or messages you’d like to archive
STEP 3: In the Select dropdown on the top left, choose Archive
STEP 4: If you ever want to view your archived messages, tap on the Archive tab at the top of your Activity