Chat Tags

May 9th, 2023

Your individual chats are tagged as a quick way for our chat specialists to indicate the nature of each chat conversation. 

  • Lead: A potential new patient, customer, or client provides their contact information for you to connect with them and schedule service or an appointment.
    • Note: If you’re in the healthcare industry, only new patients are tagged as leads, while all other industries have any new revenue opportunities tagged as leads. 
  • Actionable Support: An existing patient, customer, or client chats in to reschedule, cancel, or ask general questions about your business, and provides their contact information for a response.
  • Non-Actionable Support: The site visitor doesn’t provide any contact information, but did have a conversation wherein the chat specialist likely answered FAQs about your business based on the information we have on file for you.
  • Recruitment: If you’re in the home services industry, we'll use this to indicate a potential employee seeking job opportunities.
  • Child-Age Visitor: A web visitor identifies they are under the age of 16. Child online privacy rules require that if we discover we're chatting with a minor under the age of 16, we immediately end the conversation and request a parent or guardian reach out instead.
  • Spam: A chat where the site visitor only sends one message and leaves, or an internet troll. These chats do not count towards your billable chats.