Call Tags

May 9th, 2023

The "tags" in your call activity are a quick way for receptionists to indicate the nature of each call:

  • Lead
  • Current Client
  • Solicitor
  • Your Company Calling Ruby
  • Other

This allows you to easily view and sort the types of calls that we've been handling for you, giving you more insight as to how your efforts are coming to life in the form of meaningful connections with prospective and current clients alike!

In addition, a summary of your weekly leads and current client calls is available on your account's home page in the online portal

Why are so many of my calls labelled "Other"?
This is the first iteration of this feature and the "Other" category is a catch-all for calls that don't really fit into the other options. If there are any categories that would be particularly useful for Tags to include, we'd love to hear your feedback!