How to Read Your Invoice

May 20th, 2024

We’ll email you a link to download your invoice as a PDF on the first day of your billing cycle. You can always access your invoices from the online portal as well.

Chat and Receptionist Service Plans
We charge a fixed fee based on your Receptionist or Chat base plan, which is billed invoiced on the first day of your service period. 

If your usage exceeds the base receptionist minutes or chats included in your plan, you will see an overage line item, which is billed in arrears for the previous billing cycle. 

Discounts will appear as a negative amount and can be associated with promotions or partnerships as indicated in the line item. If you have both chat and receptionist services on the same account, you will see a 20% discount off your chat service as part of the bundled offering. 

Any credits you’ve received will be listed as a negative amount and will include a description of the credit reason. 

Miscellaneous Charges
You might also see line items in this section for these less common charges:

  • Additional Lines – If you host multiple lines with us
  • Chatbot – If you use our lead capture tool
  • Custom Hold Music – If we’re hosting custom hold music for your account
  • International Dialing – If we’re connecting calls internationally for you

This line includes any sales tax charges, if applicable. Depending on your local and state taxes you may see the taxes broken into several line items--one for each tax type.

Amount Due
Your total Invoice Balance will show your total owed if it is not yet paid. If we successfully collected your payment via autopay at the time of invoicing, this balance will show as $0.00. If you have payment terms other than due upon receipt or if we couldn't process your payment the Amount Due will show the amount owed on this invoice and any previous unpaid invoices.