Using a Webform for Messages or Payment Processing

July 27th, 2024

Our receptionists are happy to fill out a basic webform or webpage as an alternative to our usual emailed messages! This can be a great way to get your message information directly into your CRM, if you use one. We can also use these external links to process payments from your callers on your behalf. We’ve worked with webforms extensively over the years and have come up with some specific guidelines that ensure our highest chances of success with them.

First, the form will have to be easily accessible to receptionists, using just a single click to get there. This means that the form must be accessible on all web browsers. We’ll also want to be able to scroll through your form easily and understand all instructions on the form. In short, all information that ought to be gathered should be able to be easily understood by all receptionists while handling a call. 

Required Fields
If there are any required fields, they must be noted as "required" in some way, and we should be able to enter "declined" or something similar if a caller declines to give a piece of required information. When asking for information from callers, we will not push if they decline to give any information. 

Fields that require specific content or format (such as or 555-555-5555) can be especially difficult to work with when that information is unavailable and can disrupt the flow of the call. If an email address is required, we need to be able to enter "declined" if the caller declines to give an email address.

Message Records
It may also be helpful to note that, when using our system, we keep a record of all messages, and they are attached to the record of that specific call. This can be trickier when using a web form, because, although we will have a record of the call, we will no longer have a record of the message. We’d also like to have an email address(es) where you'd like us to send messages in the unlikely event of a receptionist being unable to access the form.

Once you have a webform set up with these considerations in mind, feel welcome to send it over to the Customer Happiness team! We’re happy to take a look at it, answer any additional questions you may have, and get it incorporated into your call-handling instructions.