Screening Out Solicitors and Robocalls

July 27th, 2024

We know how busy you are, so we do our very best to keep these pesky callers off your plate! In addition to our Robocall Filtering feature, receptionists are trained to screen out solicitors whenever possible. Our default procedure for solicitation calls is to always screen someone out if they're asking for someone based on their title or department (for example, “I’d like to speak to the head of your IT department” or “I’d like to talk to the owner”).

To screen these calls out, we politely ask, "Is this a solicitation?" If the caller says yes, the receptionist will politely decline the call and ask for your company to be removed from their list. If the caller says no, then the receptionist will handle the call according to your normal call-handling instructions.

When a solicitor does ask for someone at your company by name or tells us they are not a solicitor, we err on the side of not screening them out. We’d hate to offend a legitimate caller!

Screening Heavily
If you’d like us to be a bit firmer with possible solicitation calls, we can note on your account to “screen heavily” for solicitors. This means that even when a caller asks for you by name, if the receptionist gets the impression that they’re selling something, they’ll ask if the caller is calling to offer you their services and will decline the call if they say yes.

If this is something that you think might help us to screen out these calls, just give us a shout and the Customer Happiness team would be happy to add these instructions to your account.

Persistent Solicitors
The occasional solicitor might be dishonest about their reason for calling, even when a receptionist asks them directly. If any specific solicitors continue to call and get past us, you can block them from reaching Ruby via the mobile app.