Your Ruby account includes some basic details details regarding your company. This information is available for receptionists to reference during their conversations with your callers, allowing us to be a bit more familiar with your company and assist with basic questions.

These company details are visible to you in both our mobile app and online portal. You can find
Published phone number(s): Any public-facing numbers that your callers may dial to reach your company.
Website: Your company's website. We're happy to provide the URL to callers who ask for it.
Fax number(s): If a caller would like to send you a fax, our receptionists can provide your fax number to them or let them know if you don't have one.
Company Description: Your company description is available to provide context for receptionists when speaking with your callers, and for receptionists to reference if a caller asks what your company does. We know you're the experts in the finer details of what services your business offers, so we will not screen out potential new clients or other callers based on this information.
Primary address: Very handy for callers who are asking about your location. (If your company has multiple addresses, only the primary address is visible at this time, but we are able to list additional addresses in your call-handling instructions.)
Editing Your Company Profile
It’s not currently possible to update your company information from the app or online portal, but the Customer Happiness team would be delighted to assist you with any changes! Click here to reach out to the Customer Happiness team.
For information about the Company Directory and how to update the employees listed on your account, click here.